Content Marketing / GoGo Social

Why You Should ‘Be a Media Company’ and Publish

In 2010, Tom Foremski wrote ‘EC=MC – Embedded Journalists Within Corporations’. The process of every company becoming a media company hasn’t happened overnight.

Why should I create content?

The creation and sharing of high quality, original content by a brand is replacing traditional marketing methods and with good reason.

Traditional marketing methods are becoming less effective. Nearly half of direct mail advertising isn’t opened. In 1973 we were exposed to around 700 adverts per day; today we are exposed to over 5000 adverts per day. Methods like PPC (Pay Per Click) have gained popularity and offer great brand exposure… for a few weeks. Then you have to start again.

Now, consider the alternative. Consider your company creating its own marketing material. Your own material is owned by your brand and never expires. A blog that you write today about your home-made jam may still be being found via Google searches in five years time. As you write more articles, you grow your reach, permanently, for a fixed cost.

Your brand’s currency is quality content and this currency can be exchanged for your audience’s currency: their interest and contact details.

Content Creation: The Deal With Brands

How does content get me sales?

Content generates sales. Here is a simplistic diagram showing how your content directs your audience to your products and services.

Sales Circle

How do I create my content efficiently?

Creating quality, unique content isn’t easy. Brands have two basic choices:



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